The name's Kiyo, Enigmatic Guardian protecting the world in secret! Hoping to give you all worthwhile fortune cookies and a good time. Expect some chill vibes with some doses of dopamine and witty humor, maybe even some baka and big brain moments too!

I stream on Twitch and post clips and maybe memes, skits, or whatever on YouTube! Schedule can be found on my offline screen/schedule tab on Twitch! Check my Twitter or Discord for any changes to the schedule!


Q: Who art thou? And what kind of content do you make?
A: The name's Kiankyo, but just call me Kiyo. I'm an Enigmatic Guardian VTuber hoping to give everyone a good time (and maybe a fortune cookie from time to time)! I hope I can be able to build up a community that can support and inspire each other to become better people! 🥠
I generally stream a combination of roguelite, puzzle, strategy, and/or story games (I usually refer to this as RPSS) and also Kiyo-Sekai, a monthly series where I basically isekai myself into other games and analyze what my stats and stuff are! HOWEVER, I DON'T only stream those kind of games and I may also do other kinds of content, such as analysis/theorycrafting about games, maybe some experimental/challenge games, and other stuff.Q: Do you accept streaming suggestions?
A: If you have anything that you think I would like playing or just have fun doing, go ahead and shoot me a suggestion (preferably on my Discord if you wanna ask me while I'm not live)!
Q: Who made your model and stuff?
A: Art and rigging by jeiCEee! I do have plans for an alternate outfit at some point in time...
Q: When do you stream?
A: Check the schedule tab or my offline screen on my Twitch! HOWEVER, If you see that I'm not streaming at a time when I should be streaming, CHECK TWITTER/DISCORD cuz I do announce updates on stream status there! But assuming a normal stream week, the schedule is usually as follows:
Tuesdays @ 7 PM EST
Thursdays @ 3 or 7 PM EST
Saturdays @ 3 or 7 PM PM EST
Q: What's with the fortune cookies? It doesn't fit your motif.
A: First off, you don't get to decide that cuz I literally hide lore info. Second off, it's a thing I like to do back before I did my first debut so it's a legacy thing. I also liked the idea (but not execution) of fortune cookies so I like to do my own spin on them!
Q: You literally look like a regular guy with nothing cool going on. Are you just a guy?
A: First off, I am able to show off other stuff but I usually prefer showing the more casual "guy in hoodie" aesthetic as the Guardians are meant to be mostly incognito but if you wanted lore...ahem...time for copypasta:
The Guardians are kind of a covert group (hence me only wearing a regular hoodie/pants) who keep an eye on the world and prevent it from being destroyed. As for me, I'm basically one of the Guardians' eyes (surveillance duty...), though I WAS PROMISED TO BE PUT IN SPEC-OPS BUT NOOOOOOO THEY HAD NO ROOM APPARENTLY. And it was so dull that I did mercenary work for a bit before dipping cuz it got too risky. But yeah, VTubing seems cool so I'm doing that while I do surveillance duty.Q: I still don't understand your lore!
A: Not a question, but check out my YouTube for Kiyo lore videos! If I am live, it won't hurt to ask me on stream but no guarantees that I will answer your question. There's quite a bit of lore info I'd prefer to keep secret until I feel like revealing them. Helping me grow as a content creator is more likely to get me to spill the beans.